Starting in 2024, all state tournaments will utilize Register Play for tournament management. Teams must register on that system for their state tournament(s) as well as notify their local league. Entry fees may be paid through Register Play. Brackets will be posted online and updated through each tournament. An Android app is currently available and a iOS app is awaiting approval. Search for "USA Softball of ND" in your app store.
Collection of completed state tournament brackets for the current season and some previous seasons.
JO Fast Pitch teams must register and pay their entry fee using Tourney Machine.
MSP & WSP teams (except WSP Masters) must register for their tournament on Tourney Machine. Entry fees must still be submitted to their local league representatives by the appropriate deadlines.
There is a $25 late fee assessed to teams that submit a state tournament entry more than 6 days after the classification meeting. This year's classification meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2024. Therefore, the late fee applies for entries received after July 18, 2024.
Coed & WSP Masters teams must submit the registration form & entry fee (see below) directly to the State Office. The entry fee for these tournaments may be paid online through Tourney Machine.
All adult slow pitch state entry fees were increased in 2024 due to an increase in umpire fees and the use of our online tournament platform (Register Play).